how to stop taking things personally

Why YOU Take Things Personally (and 4 Steps To Stop)

Taking things personally is very painful. Changing this habitual pattern can truly help you live a happier life. This 4 STEP PROCESS to change has actionable steps you can begin to implement today. Uncover the negative core belief underneath your tendency to take things personally. Understanding the…

How to Stop Taking Things Personally

The 4 BEST Tactics to use in the moment when you are taking something personally and the 5 best tactics to use afterwards. These practical tips to utilize IN THE MOMENT and after an event if you are taking things too personally can help you stop taking…

5 Signs You Take Things Too Personally

DO you take things too personally? How do you know? Sometimes things are personal, right? Join me in this video for the five signs that you ARE taking things too personally. Taking things personally is very painful and identifying it is the first step in stopping it.…